What do Capybaras Like – What do Capybaras Dislike

Capybaras are the largest rodent and also an exotic pet. If you want to own a capybara, you need to know what do capybaras like and what do capybaras dislike.

A capybara is a water-loving rodent that can grow between 40 and 50 inches. They can also grow long and up to 20 inches tall. Their weight can range between 60 and 170 pounds. However, the females tend to be a little heavier than the males.

One is most likely to find capybaras in areas with plenty of water sources. They also need to keep their dry skin wet. Some of the habitats of Capybara include riverbanks, marshes, river streams and estuaries. A capybara will spend most of its time in the thick vegetation of these areas, which keeps them cool. Many people refer to a capybara as a water hog.

Now lets find out what do capybaras like and what do capybaras dislike:

What do Capybaras Like to Eat

People who owns capybara as pets frequently ask me, being an exotic pet, what do capybaras like to eat. Capybaras are herbivores and eat basically on vegetables and fruits.

According to a statistic, an adult capybara can eat up to 8 pounds of vegetation daily. When there are no water plants to feed on for the capybaras during the summers, their diet consists mainly of grains, fruits and the other foods that grow on the land. A gross fact about these cute capybaras is that they have also been found eating their poop! The bacteria in the dropping help digest the thick fiber in their meals. This process is known as coprophagy. It not only helps it break down the fiber but also allows these capybaras to ingest proteins and other nutrients, which are beneficial to prevent the wear and tear of their body.

They are herbivore, capybaras like to eat on the following-

  • Grain.
  • Reeds.
  • Bark.
  • Melons.
  • Water plants and grasses.
  • Pumpkin

What Do Capybaras Like to Play With

Interaction With Other Animals

Capybaras are social animals, and when it comes to interaction with others, one can find them in a group of around ten members. In the wet seasons, the groups can have about 35 members each. However, this number can shoot up to 90 members during the summers.

Every group has a dominant male who leads the group, and a single group has the potential to cover 200 acres of land. These capybaras will be primarily active during the early morning and evening hours. They become nocturnal when they sense danger or when they are in distress. They prefer hiding in the dark from their predators.

capybara with other animals

What Do Baby Capybaras Like to Eat?

A capybara is an herbivore which primarily likes to feed on the following-

  • Grain.
  • Reeds.
  • Bark.
  • Melons.
  • Water plants and grasses.
  • Pumpkin.
what do capybaras eat

What are the Likes of a Baby Capybara?

Baby Capybaras share everything, including a mother’s care. They grow and learn very fast. This means they are ready to eat alone in one week and join the group. A Newborn capybara enjoys the shade of the trees in the backyard. Wading pools make significant swimming areas for these babies. They get in the pool on the very first day of their birth. One astonishing Capybara fact is that they will get in the pool on the very first day of their birth, and they swim well as infants. 

Feeding and Care of the Baby Capybaras

It is advised not to take the babies away from their mothers till they are at least 14 days old. A baby capybara spends the first few days of life in a heated cage with plastic over the wire covered with dry towels. They also have a pan of water on one end of the cage. A capybara baby likes warm milk with sugar added to the milk with Puppy Chow sprinkled over the milk. As babies, these rodents need a heat source and a heat lamp. A young capybara needs good nutrients and clean water.

How does Capybaras’ Diet Benefit the Ecosystem?

The capybara food consists of a majority of vegetation, and they help minimize the growth of invasive plants. The vegetation has some negative impacts on our environment. It lowers the quality of nutrients and affects water availability. It also changes the conditions of the environment they are in. 

Some Capybara Facts

  • Capybaras have unique vocalizations

Capybaras make unique sounds to interact or communicate with other family members. They will squeal, whine, cry, bark or chatter when they encounter danger. 

  • Capybaras can sleep in the water

An interesting Capybara fact is that they can sleep in the water. They can also dive in and stay hidden underwater for around five minutes. If they want a nap, they will just move to the edge of the water body. They will also lift their nose above water.

  • Capybaras are excellent swimmers

The main reason why most capybaras are found near water bodies is that they are semi-aquatic animals. They have webbed feet, which enables them to swim seamlessly in the water.

  • Capybaras teeth do not stop growing

Like all species of rodents, capybaras have two long teeth in the front, which grow continuously. To wear these teeth down and prevent them from growing to an unreasonable length, these rodents must keep grinding and chewing food.

The molars of these rodents never stop growing. These Capybara keep them at the appropriate length by constantly grinding food.

  • These rodents are nature’s ottoman

We all are no strangers to the fact that many animals like to sit and ride on their backs. Capybaras are very generous, and they do not deny another animal’s request to sit on their backs. There is a plethora of animals, such as birds, monkeys, and rabbits, laying or sitting on the back of these capybaras.

  • Capybaras run pretty fast

These rodents spend most of their lives by the edge of water bodies. On top of that, they also know their way around the dry land and are very agile. They have been found to run at speeds of up to 22 mph. Even an old capybara can run faster compared to other mammals.

What does a Capybara Dislike?

Capybaras are the cuddliest and cutest creatures on earth, and there are some things they dislike. Following are some of the things they dislike-

  • Being picked up

Capybaras are not cats and dogs; they do not like getting picked up. They can also bite if they feel threatened. They are solid and could potentially hurt you if you try to pick them up. They have sharp teeth, so you should not try to provoke them.

  • Too much tea

Tea and coffee are stimulants which can cause an increased heart rate. Many studies have shown that caffeine can be very toxic to capybaras in some high doses. This causes them to become sick or even die. A capybara pet does not like too much caffeine from drinking coffee or tea. If you have Capybara as a pet and they get too much caffeine and start having diarrhea or stomach upset, it is essential to see a doctor immediately.

  • Cold weather

Capybaras are tropical animals, and they do not like cold. Keeping them in a warm and cozy place to live, sleep and eat is essential. The capybara fur is not thick enough to keep them warm in winter. If you have a capybara pet, it is your responsibility to ensure that you provide it with plenty of heat during the winter months. 

  • Capybaras during the mating season

These rodents are territorial animals and they are not necessarily aggressive. On the contrary, many capybaras will be very gentle and friendly with humans. They get intrigued by the smallest of things. 

However, during the mating season, the male capybaras can be quite aggressive. They might fight over food and territory so that their mate does not get taken advantage of by any other males who are looking to copulate.

What do Capybaras like and dislike
  • Being alone for a prolonged period of time

A capybara is a social animal. They love to be around people. However, they get lonely if they end up being alone for too long.

They are mammals with complex social behaviors. They include resting in large groups which are called flocks. They play together in small groups called as bachelor herd. 

Capybaras need human interaction just like any other animal. If their needs are not met immediately after being rescued, they might end up being aggressive towards humans. 

  • Bringing home a new capybara will make your current one unhappy

If by any chance, you happen to bring home a new capybara, it might make the current one very unhappy. The main reason for this is because they have been together for many years and they are used to you. If you bring a new one all of a sudden, it will be very shocking for them and they will be taken aback.

However, these species of rodents love being around their fellow mates. If you want them to get along, it is your duty to make sure that they are introduced over a few weeks before making any major changes in the house. This way, there will not be any issues of aggression or jealousy towards each other. 

A very effective thing about introducing two different types of pets in your home at once is that both of them have different personalities but share some very similar traits.

Read more:

Albino capybara – everything you need to know

Can capybara swim – are capybaras good swimmers

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