Can You Own a Capybara in Georgia in 2024

Many wants to own a capybara but can you own a capybara in Georgia as a pet is the question many have asked me.

Being a capybara owner for more than 5 years now I can answer this question. Capybaras are exotic pets and many states in the US doesn’t allow its citizen to own a capybara or other exotic pets in their home.

In this blog post we’ll try to is it legal to own a capybara in Georgia, if yes then how and if there is any permit required, what are requirements and other related questions.

Can You Own a Capybara in Georgia?

No, you cannot own a capybara in Georgia as it is not legal. Georgia Department of Natural Resources clearly states that non native wildlife and exotic animals cannot be kept as a pet.

It is not legal to own a capybara in Georgia but still if you want to own a capybara in Georgia as a pet you can contact the nearest local authority or wildlife department in Georgia to confirm as it may be allowed in some areas.

The department has provided list of animals that fall under this category.

And by this list you can not own a capybara in Georgia as a pet. But the department has also stated that you need to consult the department if you want to own a capybara in Georgia.

It is possible that you may get a license to keep them as a pet.

So it is clear now that it is not legal to own a capybara in Georgia but you still have some chance if you get a permit or a license. Now let understand how can you get a license to own a capybara in Georgia.

Laws and Regulation in Georgia Regarding Capybaras

In Georgia most native wildlife and exotic animals are not allowed to be kept as a pet that means you cannot domesticate them in your home.

According to Georgia Department of Natural Resources wildlife animals or exotic animals can be harmful as they may carry disease such as zoonotic disease or rabies.

Though capybaras do not carry rabies but may carry zoonotic disease that can be vaccinated.

The dietary needs of capybaras or any other wildlife animals is different from common domestic animals. This may lead to malnutrition and bad health.

This is true also capybaras are largest rodents and have a good diet requirements, though they are herbivores but still they may eat a lot depending on their size and age.

Proper care and hygiene is important for capybaras and other exotic animals

These are some of the reasons to why you cannot own a capybara as a pet in Georgia.

How to Get Permit to Own a Capybara in Georgia as Pet?

To own a capybara in Georgia you may need a permit or a license and to get a permit you need to contact Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

Here’s a quick guide to get a permit or a license to own a capybara in Georgia:

  • Research and Contact Authorities:
    • Begin by researching the specific regulations for capybara ownership in Georgia.
    • Contact local authorities or wildlife agencies to understand the permit requirements.
    • You can contact contact the Special Permit Unit at 770-918-6408.
  • Application Submission:
    • Prepare and submit a permit application to the relevant agency.
    • This application might include personal information, details about the capybara, and your living situation.
  • Enclosure Standards:
    • Provide detailed information about the enclosure where the capybara will live.
    • This may include the size of the enclosure, fencing specifications, and security measures.
  • Health and Veterinary Care:
    • Demonstrate your commitment to the capybara’s well-being by providing documentation of regular veterinary care and a health certificate from a qualified veterinarian.
  • Zoning Compliance:
    • Ensure that your property adheres to any zoning or land use regulations related to exotic animal ownership.
  • Education and Experience:
    • Some permits may require evidence of your knowledge and experience in capybara care.
    • This could involve attending workshops or courses on exotic animal care.
  • Inspection:
    • Authorities might conduct an inspection of your property to ensure that it meets the specified standards for capybara ownership.
  • Fees:
    • There may be application fees associated with obtaining the permit.
  • Renewal:
    • Permits might need to be renewed periodically, requiring you to demonstrate continued compliance with regulations.

Remember, the process and requirements can vary, so it’s crucial to consult local authorities for accurate and up-to-date information.

By adhering to the permitting process and meeting the specified standards, you can legally and responsibly own a capybara in Georgia while ensuring the well-being of your exotic pet.

Is The Climate Too Hot in Georgia to Own a Capybara?

To understand if is it ok to own a capybara in Georgia given the state experience long and hot summers and short and mild winter season first lets understand the ideal temperature for capybaras.

Capybaras can tolerate hot climate as high as 32–38 °C or 90–100 °F while The average temperature in the east ranges between 60F to 75F (20C to 24C) in summer and between 36F to 39F (2C to 4C) in winter. Western Georgia experiences a sub-tropical, maritime climate, and summer temperatures average around 72F (22C), dropping to 41F (5C) in winter.

This means there won’t be any issue to own a capybara in Georgia. But make sure to provide a water source such as a pool during summer and proper shelter, hay, heating and lighting facility during winter.

Things to Know Before Owning a Capybara in Georgia

Capybaras are exotic pet and they have gained good popularity in the recent past. Many wants to keep them as a pet as they are super friendly and highly intelligent.

But there are things that you should know before owning a capybara.

  • Proper Nutrition:
    • Offer a balanced diet consisting of grasses, vegetables, and specialized capybara pellets.
    • Consult with a veterinarian or capybara experts to determine the best diet for your pet’s needs.
  • Adequate Space:
    • Capybaras need ample space to roam and exercise.
    • Ensure you have a secure and spacious enclosure with a mix of land and water.
  • Socialization:
    • Capybaras are social animals and thrive in the company of their kind.
    • If you plan to have just one, be prepared to spend significant time with them to fulfill their social needs.
  • Veterinary Care:
    • Regularly schedule check-ups with a veterinarian who has experience with exotic animals.
    • Address any health concerns promptly to ensure your capybara’s optimal health.
  • Enriching Environment:
    • Provide a spacious and stimulating living area with access to water for swimming.
    • Offer opportunities for social interaction to prevent loneliness and boredom.
  • Mental Stimulation:
    • Provide toys, puzzles, and activities that engage their curious minds.
    • Create an environment that encourages exploration and natural behaviors.
  • Environmental Safety:
    • Ensure the enclosure is secure and free from hazards to prevent accidents and escapes.
    • Protect your capybara from extreme weather conditions by providing shelter and shade.
  • Specialized Care:
    • Capybaras have specific dietary requirements.
    • Provide a balanced diet of grasses, vegetables, and specially formulated pellets.
  • Climate Consideration:
    • Georgia’s climate can be hot.
    • Ensure they have access to shade and cool water to avoid heat stress.

To own a capybara in Georgia you need to take care of these things and fulfil your responsibility as a capybara owner.

Alternative Animals You Can Own in Colorado as a Pet

If you are not getting a permit or a license to own a capybara in Georgia you can look for other options. I know capybaras are very friendly but there are other exotic animals as well that can interest you.

Apart from capybaras you can own these pets in Georgia:


  • These small and unique creatures are legal to own in Georgia.
  • Provide them with appropriate enclosures, a balanced diet, and social interaction.

Fennec Foxes:

  • Fennec foxes are legal exotic pets in Georgia with proper permits.
  • They require spacious enclosures, a diet similar to their natural habitat, and regular veterinary care.

Sugar Gliders:

  • These adorable marsupials can be kept as pets in Georgia.
  • Ensure they have a suitable habitat, a diet rich in fruits and insects, and companionship.

Savannah Cats:

  • Savannah cats with certain generations are allowed as pets.
  • These hybrid cats need special attention, ample space, and proper socialization.

Reptiles and Amphibians:

  • Various reptiles, like bearded dragons and certain types of snakes, can be owned in Georgia.
  • Provide appropriate enclosures, temperature regulation, and proper diets.

Parrots and Other Birds:

  • Some bird species, such as parrots, can be kept as pets in Georgia.
  • Consider their lifespan, social needs, and mental stimulation requirements.

Tarantulas and Exotic Insects:

  • Many exotic insects, including tarantulas, are legal to own.
  • Research their specific habitat and feeding requirements for their well-being.

There are other animals as well, you can check Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Though you should consult the department before keeping any of these pets in your home.

To Wrap Up

Now you must have got your answer to can you own a capybara in Georgia. Though it is not legal to own a capybara in Georgia but still you can contact wildlife department or local authority to check the possibilities.

Being a capybara owner I can tell you capybaras are very friendly and if given proper care and love they can be a very good pet.

You need to fulfil your responsibility and provide them a good life.

If you have any question you can ask in the below comment section, I’ll try to answer.

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